I am currently unemployed. I wanted to be unemployed during High School (Kyberna - Sš a Voš aplikované kybernetiky s.r.o.) to learn as much as I could (by making different prototyping projects) by myself. From September of 2017 I am studying on ČVUT FIT in Prague but during 1st semester I discovered that I do not like Collage (they tell you that you should learn it yourself so there is no need to go there + there are required homework to do...) and Prague (too many people (humans) and cigarette smokers). So I do not know how long I will spend there (I am trying to spend as less of my time in Prague as possible). I made this website to store and write down some ideas and code. To show what I do (to learn new things or when I am just bored). In short, I hate repetitive work and I think deeply about all projects (I need as much information as possible because my hyperactive brain). I did some projects
for money:
Colored Racing Hurdles
It was a desktop program which allowed you to choose your own colors of racing hurdles and visualized it.
I did this when i was at secondary school. It was done in Java for my dad's
but before presenting it, he went to hospital because of his family and I never heard about him again (recently my dad told me that that time I did something completely different than requested but I was never told and I did everything about which I had information). -
Website about Cakes (2,000 czk / ~92 usd)
Simple HTML-only website for friend's friend based on some images of cakes. When I send the website to her, she did not contact me anymore and because she is good friend of my friend, I did not want to make problems (and I did not care about the money from her). -
Information System for Grammar School (15,000 czk / ~690 usd)
This was done in PHP to make it better then their current while keeping the design same (I had to rewrite both HTML and background because it was in horrible shape).
At first it should be 15,000 czk (~690 usd), then my friend (who was a middle-man) changed it to 10,000 czk (~460 usd) and when I send it to him, he told me that I will get 6,000 czk (~275 usd).
When I asked him when I will get the money (after about a month) he told me that he gave me them at school on table which never happened (and from that time we did not meet again and he is no responding to my messages).