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Weapons are made from 2 parts - Chassis and Inside.


Chassis is what makes space for Inside, design and race which can handle it.
Appearance of the chassis slightly change based on what is inside of it.


Each chassis has different base statistics and space for parts.


Each Weapon Mode (each and every part) has 2 minimum required statistics - minimum to use and minimum to use properly.
Statistics are:


Each part has different statistics which it offers to you and which it requires (weapon modes).

Weapon Modes

Each chassis can have only one mode installed.
Projectile weapons ale simplest weapons but from time of bows it improved.
Because simple projectiles are too old-school, you can upgrade them by filling them with other types (EMP, Laser and Plasma).
Each projectile is created by small material replicator inside.

It is recommended to have at least one projectile weapon with you.
Electromagnetic pulses are used to disable most electronics but are useful against biologic beings too.
Big advantage of EMP is ignoring most obstacles but big disadvantage is its short range.
Laser is long line of light (some of it in visible spectrum) used to transfer a lot of energy to target spot.
Advantage is its penetration power because it can pass through most semi-transparent and thin objects.
Plasma is something similar to projectiles but has no penetration. Its advantage is burn damage from plasma.